Crown & Bridge

We were able to provide the most accurate and fastest cosmetic formulations by using digital imaging technology instead of traditional prints, which many patients dislike and may affect the accuracy of fixture manufacture, which ultimately leads to many problems, by using the most modern computerized implants manufacturing equipment in the world, with the expertise of our speciAlyst doctors. For example, inadequately tightening the fasteners around the teeth leads to dental decay, gum infections, and unpleasant odors caused by food residue accumulation. It is worth noting that cases requiring crowns or bridges are nerve-drawn teeth that are more prone to fracture under severe pressures, as well as replacing lost teeth in some cases that are not suitable for implantation, and teeth that have been damaged as a result of severe decay and fracture, which are difficult to replace with regular fillings. Crowns and bridges are also used to cure severe tooth wear, which causes an imbalance in the dishes and causes issues in the jaw joint and difficulty chewing food. Treatment of genetic dental defects that alter the enamel layer’s size and strength, necessitating the use of cosmetic formulations to safeguard teeth.

With access to

24 HOUR Elite Dental Services
24 Hour

In Dr Rehab Aly Dental Centers you are offered a full range of dentistry services, including caries treatment, gum disease treatment, teeth whitening, implantation, dentures, surgery, and more.